
June 28, 2011

Well, well

WELL: The new season of True Blood started this past Sunday night and we were glued to our seats like vampires to a fresh neck…

WOW, I tell ya it was almost like a stake in the heart (of sorts) SPOILER ALERT (of sorts)

Bam -- Sookie had gone to this magical place, a place that was a big, no a huge time suck. She got away by jumping off a cliff, ok so her assumed dead grand daddy pushed her and she landed in the old cemetery. Stuff happened people lived their lives in what for Sookie was 10 – 15 minutes in that magical place was 13 months for the fine, if not twisted, folks of Bon Temps.

Whole E Mole E, there were all these unanswered questions now hanging in the thick night air. What about this and what about that and OMG why is Tommy with Hoyt’s momma? Are they “together” And what happened to the Queen of Louisiana. (did Bill introduce her to the True Death) And Sam hanging out with a group of horses and LaFayette joining in a wicca circle and Jason a cop? Now the Tara, err – know known as Toni, thang did not surprise me. See this is why is it was sort of a stake in chest. We, expected answers or at the bare minimum a continuation of the ongoing story lines from Season 1, 2 & 3. Remember when the show Dallas had killed Bobby Ewing and they opened a new season with Pam (his wife) waking up to find that it had all been a dream. Yeah sorta like that, but with a twist of lime in the coconut...

And why I think this was the best thing to do for this show…Season 1, 2 and 3 were all done as if the story lines were only taking place over a matter of weeks (maybe a few months). For example poor Andy Bellefleur had his arm in a cast almost the entire 2nd season and all of the 3rd and I expected him to still have it for a show or 2 for this 4th season. And because they (writers / producers / not to mention newer technology) needed to bring the show into current time.

So I forgive them for making me wait to find out in blips of memory and flash backs what happened in the 13 months of Sookie’s magical time travel.

And my photo to go with this is outta the blue blood post…

 Ta dah Luffa Bed

Ta ta ta dah Luffas

Please leave all comments in the comment section for this worries it's easy....Really just click on the word "comments" and let me know what you think about this post, the photos or what ever is on your dear internet mind. 

<3 Thank you <3


Brian Miller said...

you know i have never seen this show...i hear such good things though...might have to dvr an episode to check out...nice ivy...

Laurita said...

The luffas are lovely.

True Blood. OMG! I just watched the second episode online. I couldn't wait. I cheated, ok. But I'm oh so very glad I did. :D

Jannie Funster said...

Yay, luffas to get you all prettier in the tubby-tub-tub where you'll eat your cake and try to fend off vampires.


Connie said...

The luffas are looking great!! :)

Cathy C. Hall said...

Okay, so I haven't watched the show (I read one of the books)but not because I'm too stuck up or anything when it comes to vamps (I like a good vamp as much as the next guy)but because I can't watch those shows that have a continuing story line. I mean, what if you're having a baby or something and can't get to a TV? (This actually happened to me and I had to wait SIX MONTHS for summer reruns-yes, it was a long time ago-but it left a lasting impression).

So, where was I? Oh, yeah. You won a blog award from me. Come by and pick it up! Wheeeee!

... Paige said...

you guys crack me up...fend off vamps, Cheating - OMG do NOT tell me! Award for moi :-D

thanks Daisy, cause my cotton did not come up, too dry I suppose

Brian - ivy - really too funny

ER said...


I'm not into the Vampire thing, but OMG! your Luffas are awesome. It's easy to see you did a great job planting and caring for them. I can't wait to see the harvested crop.

Are you gonna sell them? I'd buy one :)

Snaggle Tooth said...

I don't even watch that show- I'm working or doing errands when it's on. But now I know all about it- n sounds like it was a weird one. I do remember that Dallas bummer! I know it was Sue Ellen who shot him, too!

Your luffa's have obviously not melted in that heat there! Here's too alot of Fluffy showers for you!

sheila said...

I've never seen it either, lol. But I love your luffa plants! That's the neatest thing still every year you post these it's just very neat!