Okay so I decided to take my own advice and went down to get an overdue mammogram. Yeah, I hear ya my dear internets those of us that have had prior biopsies should not miss our annuals. I won’t bore you with my reasons, or excuses cause we all know I just didn’t want to do it and that’s that. But when lefty went to itching, almost constantly I goggled and found out that could be a symptom of you know. I promptly marched myself over to my Gyn and picked up my scanning orders.
Nope I was not surprised when they called and wanted additional views they always want them from me. It’s like they say, “Oh this one is so great let’s have her come back in so we can see more.” Now what did sorta surprise me was when they also scheduled a Boob Ultra Sound (I didn’t’ even know they had those), they said they wanted to like see the “density” of the mass. Hole E mole E they said MASS. That kinda scared me as it had only been 2 years since my last mamo, which had been the same as the one before it , so yeah nerves woke up and I kicked myself for a couple of days. Then got over it I mean that’s the way it goes we do or don’t do and postpone those things that we know we should do all the time. Yes sometimes we regret that and sometimes we learn a lesson, maybe even a hard lesson.
Y’all know me and my trusty side kick camera, what an opportunity to show y’all how my visit went. See how much I love y’all I think of you in everything I do.
Here I am in the very pleasant waiting room. Waiting
Here is the atomic boob smasher. Please note how it is trying to intimidate me.
After the nipple dotting ceremony I was very adequately squished. I thought the tech was trying to see just how much pressure lefty could take before exploding into a bloody mess. And next is the lovely little examining room for the ultra sound. Um there was no sound other than my nervous rattling prattle.

And the tech lubed me up quite nicely. The K-jelly was warm and melted into this goopy mess that ran down every hill and valley it could. So she snapped several pictures and I could see the screen. I found the “mass” and in fact there was more than one and they looked like holes in the otherwise wavy water surface of my tissue. Then a doctor came in and “checked” the places the tech had found and snapped pictures of. I asked where the prior marker, titanium thread, was and dr. said that does not show up on the ultra sound just the mamo. And before I asked if they were going to schedule a biopsy the good Doctor informed me there was nothing to worry about, the spots (note now they are spots) were cist and no big deal. Without question she could tell this. See what looked like holes to me had round and smooth looking texture, where as the bad stuff has rough, torn, frayed like texture.
And the moral of this trip is DON’T PUT OFF WHAT CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE. Schedule your Boob Job today if it’s been a year or longer or never. And remember --- Advance warning is the best defense any boob can have even a boob like me OR you.
EDIT: and please remember that MEN can get this type of cancer too, as well as other breast issues, so fellas do those breast exams on yourself or better yet have your partner check it out for ah.
Wow Piage, I too have a titanium marker in my boob. And I too missed my last mammo appointment. I can't remember what came up. but I was planning to reschedule and forgot. I will take care of that today!
So glad it was nothing to worry about :)
Do they have one of those things that will take a picture of a double -A Boob? I was told they were thinking of starting to put men on the list too. They'd better knock me out first.
Yes the place I went had a special one for those of smaller than average boob size. In fact there was a man there at the same time I was. Bless his heart he looked very uncomfortable.
And thanks so much for bringing that up. I think I'll add an edit to the post about men can get this type of C too.
I'm so glad to hear that all is well for you, Paige. I was just thinking yesterday that it is time for me to schedule an appointment. Thanks for the reminder. Hope you have a nice weekend! :)
Well thank goddess your boobs are okay. And thank goddess they did the u/s right then and there. Cuz when the same thing happened to me they had to schedule me for another time for the u/s -- almost 2 weeks later. 2 weeks! I was a frakking wreck. but my boobs behaved, and they're their lovely semi-perky selves. And only you would get pics of al lthe machinary. Sigh. peace...
Words to live by. I plan to schedule one for my upcoming 36th birthday.
Breathed a sigh of relief as soon as you wrote the word cyst. Yesssss.
Thanks for the reminder too.
Even though the title of this post made me chuckle a bit while reading your words -as it was sinking in what this was all about, ya know -I thought what a great title that is!
So glad that your jitters were all for nothing though. Let me just add to your recommendations about getting these sort of routine type tests done -with great haste -and add in there another one too, one that many of us put off way too long, too often and can save lives -a colonoscopy!
I go this coming Tuesday now to Pittsburgh for a battery of "pre-operative" tests and then, return to Pittsburgh on the 29th for surgery on the 30th. Not that I'm exactly looking forward to all this stuff, but I am relieved now to know WHEN it is supposed to take place anyway.
Oh my god, Paige, you scared the heck out of me. I'm so glad there's nothing to worry! Do please take care of yourself. My mother just went in for her breast screening two days ago - you can't put off these things.
Atomic boob smasher is a great name for it. Glad you're alright, and that they did the u/s right away. It's important to remember to take care of ourselves, something that's all too easy to forget. Thanks for the reminder.
I believe they should have put men on the list a long time ago. I was completely shocked when one of hubby's colleagues (big old police officer) was diagnosed with breast cancer. He's doing fine, but it was lucky for him he had a concerned doc.
Another officer's wife just recently died after fighting it for about five years. She went through hell! And she leaves behind a broken-hearted husband and three young kids.
Glad everything is ok! Brave you are to go thru such proceedures...
Great pics
I just notice I hang 2 inches lower each time I go for those-
Turns out false positives are common, n I tend to be pretty lumpy thanks to my Gramps n all his benign (TG) fat lumps.
Someday, I'll have ins again...
Thanks Paige. I have been putting mine off too. I've never had one!!! The atomic boob smasher pic did kinda scare me though. ; )
I'm glad everything is ok. My mom has told me about the boob smasher. She said it's the most unpleasant thing ever...another thing to look forward to.
I could tell the same story, and man it DOES scare the bejesus out of ya. Glad everythings okay! Scary shit, man...scary shit.
Now, don't be scared of the boob smasher. It's really not so bad considering what you can loose.
Besides the new ones are way, way so way much better than the old ones.
Why am I always the last to know these things? I mean you, boobs, your boobs, your boobs' history?
Itching is a symptom? How could I have missed that one? And I've felt too stoopid to call my oncologist all last week as my "bad one" itches & burns in the same place every day.
Oh well, it is almost boob-smashing time for me, too. You're right, tho, these newer machines have a much lighter touch, even for those of us who are dense. D'oh!
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