Besides it's a God post that's ah comin ...
You know He is all around and watches after us, I think, sometimes, some folks just miss the blessings and amazing things that He does. Yes He is a very personal God and is with you always, just accept that fact.
So the other day they (the gas company) were out and about laying new gas lines, not pipes but a flexible looking super heavy duty hose kinda thing. They are still not finished in our neighborhood but I think they are done with our street. Apparently they changed our meter and turned off the gas to do so, but neglected to mention it to us. Men are sometimes good about not leaving a note.
Baby Girl was gonna take a shower,{it was Saturday and everybody should at least take a bath on Saturday, she came out and said, “Is there something wrong with the hot water? Cause it’s not gettin hot.” She sometimes talks like me, it’s a Texas thang y’all.
We figured (Beloved said) it was the “coupler” so we (he) climbed in the attic to change it. We just happened to have a spare, because when he fixed it a couple of years ago he bought an extra one. And he just loves plumbing –NOT! So Beloved put the new coupler thing on and went to light the pilot, it sorta flickered and that was that. NO gas. What ta…
Did you pay the bill? Yes. Called the gas company after looking for a number for 15 minutes, “we’ll send someone over.” Weird, I thought, cause it was Saturday night after 7pm. And a guy showed up in about 30 minutes. Wow! I know impressive but this is not really the amazing part yet. So here he is hooking up the new meter in the dark, they cannot hook it up when no one is home in case of a gas leak in the house. Safety first people. He gets it all hooked up and comes in to check things out, "required" says he. He climbs in the attic and says, “The exhaust pipe is not right” point ups “and you have a water leak. I’m not supposed to leave the gas on if there is a problem. But if you promise to take care of it…”
I know what you are thinking, that is not good news and in a way it isn’t.
Beloved went and picked up the curative items the next morning. Came home and fixed it. This is the amazing part…
We are going on a trip soon and IF that water leak had caused the “pop off” value to POP it would have been a mess OR IF that leaky fitting decided to crumble. Well you know water everywhere, out of town, a BL that is not the most pro active person and we would have had a very high water bill and a flooded house to end the vacation.
And there you have it dear Internet, God making us aware of a not so good thing that really saved our a$$ in the long run.
And how do you like the photo? Ahh-mazzzz-zing (say it / read it in that sing songy sort of way)… Right?
Look up a little more often and see the awesome glory there is to behold
Stories like this always make me smile. I completely believe something in the universe is definitely working there.
Someone up there is looking out for your pocketbook too. Now go and enjoy your vacation.
That's an awesome picture of a cloud.
Thanks for the imput on my sort of "found poem" of various song lyrics. If someone complains I'll remove it from my blog because of copyright issues.
It's more fun writing my own poems but I have a problem with rhyming, so they rarely rhyme.
Accounts of life like this are good to read.
You're fortunate! We get helped out when we least expect it- the angels are looking out for you- another blessing in diguise as a hassel...
Enjoy Vaca!
Paige, I've never been away!
We have only electic here. But gas is quick, let's hope yours is safe again so you can get away on your trip with nary a care in your minds.
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