We found lots of different types of rocks and I can’t remember all them but here is a list of the ones I do remember
Emerald-one I left with the lapidary to cut
Sapphire-two I left with the lapidary to cut
Topaz-both silver and yellow
Quartz of many different colors
Tiger eye-one dime sized but a “nice specimen”
Amazing that in this one place they had such a diverse array of rocks. I tell y’all if you are any where near Asheville you need to head on over to the mine. If you don’t have the time to work your bucket there you can get it to go. Really. They will sell you a bag full of dirt and rocks heck you can even get it sent to ya. This is fun for kids too as we miners get dirty and our hands get stained from the red-orange dirt/clay and it looks as if you have been working in a Cheeto factory. I hear there is an opal mine in Oregon. hummm
That does sound like something both interesting and a lot of fun too. Now, to figure out a way to take a trip of that length....Hmmm.
very pretty. i bet they'll polish up beautifully. and you're so creative you'll think of something very cool to do with them.
Hi Paige...Just wanted to thank you for your comments at my blog... they are greatly appreciated! Your mining trip sounds fun for the whole family...thanks for sharing... Blessings, Debra
what fun!
Coolacious! And a definite thing for us to do in the future - we get down to NC quite frequently. I remember wading in the creek near my house in Raleigh and finding garnet and quartz crystals. Throw them in the tumbler, then take another pic. Peace, Linda
Sounds like fun and something different to do. :)
I'm glad you had such a great vacation Paige. Wonderful collection of rocks!
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