Nope didn’t work that way, but I’m sure y’all knew that was coming. The rock sat on the floor for over a week before they came. Then they only worked two half days in the following week. Then they were able to get on the first coat of joint compound but it rained some and it didn’t dry very fast. After several more days they were able to put on the second coast and followed that with the texture on the very same day.
Wooo there fellas careful with the floor will ya. Nope! No can do ma’am!
They were supposed to clean up after themselves and haul off the trash and again it was Nope. Jiminy crickets didn’t ya read the paperwork we don’t clean up or haul off crap-ola lady. Please note the flood in the photo- it looked like that all over the room. Thank you for the “Read it ya Stupid” lesson guys. Raise your hand if you work for attorney’s in the real estate business {{{{yes that’s me}}}} and a big ol’ MY BAD-DUH!
So after a weekend of cleaning up the floor after the Oh-So-Helpful fellas, we were finally going to be ready to prep for and stain the floor the next weekend. Well sort of, first my beloved got sick followed shortly thereafter by me and then it rained some more.
Now remember the plumber and electrician are waiting to finish their stuff. And it would be better if we didn’t have to go to work everyday leaving just the restful weekends for our adventures in Bob the Builder World.
And next installment we shall discuss the wonders of How to Acid Stain Concrete. YeaHaw Y’all.
Holy Rip! That is really a bummer when you contract work out and things get done in that manner. Doesn't say much for customer service, does it?
That sounds tough, Paige.
But you have walls. And they look damn good.
Credit to you for doing this - I haven't the heart or the patience. Hang in there - almost done! Peace, Linda
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