I have been given an award, which is most awesome, from one of my Girlz—Linda of LeftBrainWrite. I am flattered to be named a part of this awesome group of ladies, who I respect and whose great work I enjoy, not to mention their fun blogs that decorate the blogospher so beautifully.

In no particular order will the following...
Melissa- Melissa's Manic Musings
Please accept this small token of my appreciation for the kindness and inspiration you have given me.
Gosh I feel so bad for not giving this to all of you my dear Internet…What ta heck … Y’all ALL deserve this, in my small humble opinion, as YOU ALL have given me enjoyment, inspiration, hugs and tugs, laughter and tears and yes even the willpower to just keep plugging along.
Yay for All of y’all
you like me.
you really like me.
ditto chickie.
I'm gonna take you up on that offer and steal that award from you! You have no idea how much enjoyment -and encouragement too -you've given me to stay with the blog thing these past 2 1/2 years! Thanks for being there and being one of my very first readers too!
Amazing, Paige. :) Congratulations. You deserve it.
Awww Paige, you know I love you and I do read you. You are in my Googlereader so I always see when you update. I am just really bad about commenting lately. I love to look at your pictures.
Red Green Cat Poop?
Sounds like a new rock band.
Congratulations, and...
Thank you!!!
Again, yes I want it !!
And thank you, wise and lovely lady.
I'll never foreget your comment on my poem about my little girl on the bench, when I had to tell her about not having been invited to that party. Just one of those things people say that will stick with me forever.
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