Happiness Happens Month- now if that’s not something to smile about what is? Maybe you can Simplify your life the week of 1-7 or be a Hobo 7-10. Don’t forget to say Thank you, thank you very much during the week of 9-17 as that is Elvis week, but don’t take any flying leaps from the 17-23 even though that’s National Aviation week and bringing up the rear is Truck Driver Appreciation week 24-30. Hey I drive a truck, don’t all Texans, so now you have to appreciate me!
And for those of you who like setting aside a "special" day here or there just for fun, try these on and see if they fit:
1—World Wide Web
6—Fresh Breath
8—Sneak Some Zucchini Onto your Neighbor’s Porch Night
12—Sewing Machine wander if any will be on sale
15—National Relaxation
22—Be An Angel or at least try to be nice
28—Dream Day Quest
30—National Toasted Marshmallow
And here is a little poem just for you
When green grass becomes
golden brown
When outside is actually inside
a convection oven
When people melt into pools
of hot butter
When air is as sticky as honey and
as thick as gravy
That is when summer turns into
Biscuit days
Biscuit Days, huh? Sounds yummy to me!
Yum... with butter and fresh strawberry jam. Your poem is just as evocative. I will definitely celebrate August 30 - have your tried the new chocolate marshmallows? Peace, Linda
I think I will celebrate the 15. I could use some relaxation.
Ooooh! Don't talk about biscuits to a starving dieter! Did you know that strawberry shortcake was originally made with biscuits? I have a recipe from my great-grandfather's mother or grandmother.
Yes! It's definitely biscuit days.
Those biscuits look SO yummy.
I wish I had a porch just for the 8th. I'm jonesin for some zucchini
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