
January 30, 2011

Yummy Ice

Cream that is my dear internets. Yes indeed yummy ice-cream. To be more specific Klondike Choco Taco. Oh my goodness and then some.

Here for your salivating pleasure is my story of discovery of this wonderful treat…

Once upon a time when we went to Big Bend, that’s in Texas, we meandered about the State Park and gazed down upon the Rio Grande. It wasn’t summer, but it was warm and when visiting the lodge store I spied an interesting sounding ice-cream in the freezer. “Humm” says I and then I promptly had my Beloved buy it for moi. Then we drove off as I ate the loverly bit of goodness. The store was closed when we left the next morning so I could not get another one. Drat! And Double DRAT!

I looked and looked and could find no Choco Tacos for my belly pleasure at any of the stores I happened to be in when I thought of those scrumptious tacos…poor ol’ me

Then on our last night in Savannah we (Beloved) was buying some lottery tickets at the little store by the hotel and I went in with him. As usual I ran to the ice-cream chest and I hoped I’d find my Choco Taco and TADAH they had one (yes only 1) Yea! It was as good as I had remembered.

I heard that Wals Marts carried them and so I wrote it on my list and guess what…you are never gonna believe this…but I found them, those wonderful cold tacos at the Wals Marts.

Have y’all had these? If not DON’T cause they are somewhat addicting. See there is the fabulous taco shell (waffle cone shaped like a taco shell) filled with creamy Klondike ice-cream that has chocolate syrup drizzled in it, then the whole thing is dipped in chocolate, nuts sprinkled on top and the top double dipped in chocolate. Oh MY GoodNESS!

So here’s what I need from y’all, my dear most dearest internets…I need your Klondike Choco Taco coupons. e-mail me for my address and they so better not be expired.

That is all and thank you for tuning in, have a nice day.

Send Cupons!


Brian Miller said...

choco tacos are amazing...

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


have a lovely Sunday!

Jannie Funster said...

I've never had one, but think I will as soon as I can find one!

Will keep my eye out for unexpired coupons for you. I already have your p.o. box!


sheila said...

At first I thought I never heard of these, but I'm pretty sure now that I've seen them before! WHO KNEW?? lol. They DO look delightful!

ER said...

Oh my gooodness Paige, these look and sound scrumptious!

Laura said...

YOU are too funny!

Snaggle Tooth said...

Hhmm- you may need an intervention n rehab for that stuff in the near future...